2025 Frost Farm Prize for Metrical Poetry

The Trustees of the Robert Frost Farm in Derry, NH, and the Hyla Brook Poets invite submissions for the 15th Annual Frost Farm Prize for metrical poetry. The winner receives $1,000 and an invitation to read as part of The Hyla Brook Reading Series at the Robert Frost Farm, August 15. The reading opens the 2025 Frost Farm Poetry Conference, which is devoted to metrical poetry. The winner also receives a scholarship to attend the conference. 

This year’s judge is Maryann Corbett. The judge will read ALL entries anonymously.

Deadline: March 31, 2025  (11:59 pm, EST).

The submission fee is $8 per poem. To begin submitting one to ten poems ($8.00-$80.00) simply click the blue button below, next to the pricing. You will not be charged until you complete your payment information. If you do not have a Submittable account, you will be directed to set one up. It takes only seconds. 

PLEASE USE A SINGLE SUBMITTABLE SUBMISSION TO ATTACH UP TO TEN POEMS IN SEPARATE DOCUMENTS: ONE POEM PER DOCUMENT. The online form supports 1-10 attachments in .pdf, .doc or .docx formats. (Each submission of up to 10 poems will be assigned a random number.)  If you are submitting more than 10 poems, simply complete an additional Submittable submission and attach up to 10 the additional poems. You are free to submit as many poems as you wish in this manner. (If you have any questions on multiple poem submissions, contact hylabrookpoets@gmail.com.)

Complete Frost Farm Prize Electronic Guidelines (Please read, as some guidelines have been updated including deadline.)

Deadline: March 31, 2025 (online submission deadline by 11:59 pm, EST).

2025 Frost Farm Prize for Metrical Poetry

The Trustees of the Robert Frost Farm in Derry, NH, and the Hyla Brook Poets invite submissions for the 15th Annual Frost Farm Prize for Metrical Poetry. The winner receives $1,000 and an invitation, with honorarium, to read as part of The Hyla Brook Reading Series at the Robert Frost Farm on Friday August 16, 2024. The reading opens the 2024 Frost Farm Poetry Conference, which is devoted to metrical poetry. The winner also receives a scholarship to attend the conference.  We welcome international submissions (in English).  Deadline is March 31, 2025.

  This year’s judge is Maryann Corbett.  

Complete Frost Farm Prize Guidelines

Deadline: March 31, 2025  (11:59 pm, EST).

Poems must be original, unpublished and metrical (any metrical form). No translations. There is no limit to the number of poems entered by an individual, but an entry fee of $8 U.S. per poem must accompany the submission. You are welcome to submit a poem sequence (a crown of sonnets for example) but each poem must be entered as a separate file and will be judged individually.

Do not put your name on individual poems as poems are judged anonymously.  Your Submittable account links you to the poem. Each individual poem must be a separate .pdf, .doc, or .docx file that should resemble the following format: poemtitle.pdf, poemtitle.doc or poemtitle.docx. "Poemtitle" in the file name should exactly match the title typed at the top of the poem. PLEASE USE A SINGLE SUBMITTABLE SUBMISSION TO ATTACH UP TO TEN POEMS IN SEPARATE DOCUMENTS. The online form supports 1-10 attachments in .pdf, .doc, or .docx formats. If you are submitting more than 10 poems, simply complete an additional Submittable submission and attach up to 10 additional poems. You are free to submit as many poems as you wish in this manner. Click the button below to enter our Submittable site.

     The results will be posted in May 2025 on FrostFarmPoetry.org and Facebook.com/HylaBrookPoets as well as twitter.com/HylaBrookPoets. Winner and honorable mentions (if any) will be notified by email or phone. Please DO NOT send a SASE for contest results. These are the complete guidelines.

Hyla Brook Poets